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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - staple


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 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English stapel post, ~, from Old English stapol post; akin to Middle Dutch stapel step, heap, emporium, Old English steppan to step  Date: 13th century a usually U-shaped fastener: as  a. a metal loop both ends of which are driven into a surface to hold the hook, hasp, or bolt of a lock, secure a rope, or fix a wire in place  b. a small wire both ends of which are driven through layers of thin and easily penetrable material (as paper) and usually clinched to hold the layers together  c. a usually metal surgical fastener used to hold layers of tissue together (as in the closure of an incision)  II. transitive verb  (~d; stapling)  Date: 14th century to provide with or secure by ~s  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~, from Middle Dutch stapel emporium  Date: 15th century  1. a town used as a center for the sale or exportation of commodities in bulk  2. a place of supply ; source  3. a chief commodity or production of a place  4.  a. a commodity for which the demand is constant  b. something having widespread and constant use or appeal  c. the sustaining or principal element ; substance  5. raw material  6.  a. textile fiber (as wool and rayon) of relatively short length that when spun and twisted forms a yarn rather than a filament  b. the length of a piece of such textile fiber  IV. adjective  Date: 1615  1. used, needed, or enjoyed constantly usually by many individuals  2. produced regularly or in large quantities ~ crops such as wheat and rice  3. principal, chief
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. a U-shaped metal bar or piece of wire with pointed ends for driving into, securing, or fastening together various materials or for driving through and clenching papers, netting, electric wire, etc. --v.tr. provide or fasten with a staple. Phrases and idioms staple gun a hand-held device for driving in staples. Derivatives stapler n. Etymology: OE stapol f. Gmc 2. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 the principal or an important article of commerce (the staples of British Industry). 2 the chief element or a main component, e.g. of a diet. 3 a raw material. 4 the fibre of cotton or wool etc. as determining its quality (cotton of fine staple). --adj. 1 main or principal (staple commodities). 2 important as a product or an export. --v.tr. sort or classify (wool etc.) according to fibre. Etymology: ME f. OF estaple market f. MLG, MDu. stapel market (as STAPLE(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  крепёжная (прошивочная) скоба, скрепка ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) волокно 2) скоба 3) сырье 4) ткань 5) штапель 6) штапелька 7) штапельный staple viscose rayon — штапельная вискоза - staple fastening - staple fiber STAPLE FASTENING прикрепление скобками ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) главный элемент, основа; главный, основной 2) основной товар, главный продукт 3) скоба; скреплять скобками STAPLE 1. сущ. 1) главный продукт, производимый в данном районе 2) основной товар 3) сырье 2. прил. главный, основной ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  волокно ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тех. скоба; крюк 2. тех. колено 3. (проволочная) скобка (для сшивания бумаг) 4. тех. скреплять скобками 5. сшивать скобками (бумаги) to staple three sheets together —- скрепить скобкой три страницы 6. горн. гезенк, слепой ствол 7. главный продукт, производимый в данном районе the staples of that country —- основные предметы производства данной страны 8. основной товар, предмет торговли 9. массовые товары; основные продукты питания 10. (обыкн. the staple) главный элемент (чего-л.); основная часть (чего-л.); суть, основа (чего-л.) the staple of a diet —- основной продукт питания politics is the staple of his conversation —- его излюбленная тема - политика current words forming the staple of our language —- повседневные слова, составляющие основу нашего языка the newspaper is for many people a staple of daily reading —- многие читают, как правило, только газеты cowboy dramas are a staple on television —- ковбойские фильмы не сходят с экранов телевизоров his blue suit was a staple in his wardrobe —- он почти всегда был одет в синий костюм 11. ист. рынок, где заключались сделки на оптовую продажу и на экспорт 12. основной, составляющий важнейшую статью (часто для характеристики предметов торговли и производства данной местности) staple crops —- с-х. основные (ведущие) культуры staple exports —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  gun noun инструмент для укрепления скоб (в дереве и т.д.) STAPLE I noun скобка, скоба, крюк; колено II  1. noun  1) главный продукт или один из главных продуктов, производимых в данном районе  2) основной предмет торговли  3) главный элемент (чего-л.); the staple of conversation - главная тема разговора  4) сырье  5) obs. важнейший рынок  6) text. волокно  7) text. штапель (волокна); штапельная длина (волокна)  2. adj.  1) основной (о продуктах потребления или предметах торговли)  2) главный, основной ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (staples, stapling, stapled) 1. A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people’s everyday lives. The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet... Staple goods are disappearing from the shops. ADJ: ADJ n • Staple is also a noun. Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans. N-COUNT 2. A staple is something that forms an important part of something else. Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. Staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly. You put the staples into the paper using a device called a stapler. N-COUNT 4. If you staple something, you fasten it to something else or fix it in place using staples. Staple some sheets of paper together into a book. ...polythene bags stapled to an illustrated card. VERB: V n with adv, V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small piece of thin wire that is pushed into sheets of paper and bent over to hold them together 2 a small U-shaped piece of metal with pointed ends, used to hold something in place 3 a food that is needed and used all the time  (staples like flour and rice) 4 technical the main product that is produced in a country  (Bananas and sugar are the staples of Jamaica.) ~2 v to fasten two or more things together with a staple ~3 adj only before noun 1 forming the greatest or most important part of something  (Oil is Nigeria's staple export. | a staple ingredient of comedy) 2 staple diet a) the food that you normally eat  (They live on a staple diet of rice and vegetables.) b) something that is always being produced, seen, bought etc  (television's staple diet of soap operas and quiz shows) 3 used all the time  (Marty's staple excuses) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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